How to get more print sales enquiries from your website

So you’ve worked hard to create an amazing website for your print business but you’re not getting a high enough number of enquiries? There could be many reasons for this, but there are three key elements to work through in order to boost generate more business:

  1. Get more potential customers to visit your website
  2. Ensure you website offers a great user experience when they arrive
  3. Build your website content around optimising for conversions

That’s the basic order of events, but there is a fair bit of overlap throughout the three elements list above. Plus, there all ever evolving and should be key to an ongoing digital marketing campaign. Though understanding and implementing the basics, as well as knowing your printer website inside out, can contribute to generating much more revenue for your business.

Get More Visitors To Your Website

If you think about your website as a shop, you’ll be able to visualise how increasing the number of visitors is a key contributor to generating more sales. It’s the same in digital though you need to work at positioning your website where your potential customers are looking.

Ultilising search engine optimisation techniques will boost your search engine visibility. This essentially means that your print website will appear higher up search rankings for relevant keywords and therefore be more ‘visible’ to customers looking for your services.

You can also use other proven digital marketing mediums to build your brand and bring visitors to your website. Your social media profiles and email contact list are great sources of both new and repeat business.

Paid search can also be highly effective way to generate online sales enquries, whether through search advertising or Google Shopping. Though for an inexperienced user it’s easy to quickly waste your money with paid search or pay-per-click advertising, we’d strongly advise you speak to an expert before progressing with a campaign.

Your website content should be useful and well written

There’s nothing worse than visiting a website that doesn’t answer your questions and includes irrelevant content or badly written text.

All the wording on your website should be there for a reason and created to be helpful and engaging. For SEO purposes you’ll want your content to feature keywords, but if well written your content should naturally include all your keywords and keep your readers interested.

If your website includes unhelpful wording, duplicate content and / or unstructured pages it isn’t going to appear in those key search results. Plus, your visitors are quickly going to leave and visit a more helpful website.

Improve Your User Experience

Making your website easy to navigate and easy to read are key contributors to building a strong user experience. You want your visitors to find the information they require as easily as possible, this will make it far more likely they’ll follow up their visit with an enquiry.

Is user experience wasn’t already important enough, your website usability will impact on your search rankings and seriously undermine your overall digital marketing campaign.

When was the last time you checked what device your users are viewing your website on? It’s likely in recent years there has been a big increase in mobile visitors – and what does your website look like when visited on a mobile?

Google recommends all websites now use responsive designs which dynamically react to the sized of screen they are viewed on. This results in a great user experience not matter what device your visitors are using.

Optimise For Conversions

So you’ve undertaken a widespread digital marketing campaign and your visitor numbers have increased but you’re seeing little return on this investment? This is where conversion rate optimisation comes in. This technique essentially involves increasing the % of visitors who place enquiries.

You need a website design that works with effective call to actions which encourage your visitors to place enquiries or print orders. You’ll need to understand the journey your visitors need to take through your eCommerce print shop, and know where you’re losing them before taking steps to boost your conversion rates.

Effective Measurement

Finally, as you work through your digital marketing campaigns and generally improving your website you’ll need to regularly monitor progress. Free tools such as Google Analytics provide a host of statistics and can answer most of your website usability questions.

A poor performing website isn’t going to change without investment but the rewards can quickly provide a strong return.

ree Infographic: Successful Digital Marketing For Printers

E-commerce infographicThrough our online print solution Flex4 have many years experience of working with print companies to take their business online. Our print eCommerce platform is powerful, flexible and has everything you need to sell print products online. We also know how to market your eCommerce website to ensure it’s found and most importantly generates print orders.

We’ve put together an infographic demonstrating all the ingredients required to form a successful digital marketing strategy in the print sector, you can view it here.

Digital Marketing For Printers

Flex 4 have been providing best-in-class W2P solutions and digital marketing services for print and graphic design businesses since 2004.  We have numerous satisfied customers right across the country.  We are UK-based – all of our team work out of our office in Kendal.  We pride ourselves on our customer service, flexibility, and desire to please – we would love the opportunity to show you what we’re capable of.

You can request a free demonstration of our web to print solution or contact us for more information. As always we will be delighted to answer all of your questions and give you all the help that you need