Temptations of Templates

Is it urgent, or is it important? We all know how easy it is to become swamped by the avalanche of administrative tasks which plague every business owner every day, making it difficult to take the time out to explore those very aspects of our day to day business which might significantly reduce the volume of apparently urgent tasks which seem to occupy our every waking hour.

In the web to print business, particularly, it’s easy to become so swept along by the myriad collection of assorted jobs pouring through the print shop that we never have a free moment to take an objective overview of our processes. We’re so swamped by the problem that we never actually consider the solution.

If this is you, then it’s definitely time to be thinking about Templates.

Any web to print business with an existing online public storefront is only a small step away from having the ability to offer each of its’ account customers a bespoke, securely accessed private storefront, professionally branded to each clients’ corporate identity, and holding templates for all of that clients’ business stationery, promotional leaflets, posters and other frequently ordered items. This enables the client, their branch sites, franchisees and so on, the facility to simply log into their storefront, customise the templates which are held there, check and approve previews, and place orders instantly online.

All this without your phone ringing once. Without the need to soak up a designers time applying a simple date change to a promotional poster or a new name and address to a standard business card.

By creating an online secure web to print storefront holding all the clients’ templates, brand integrity can be guaranteed, the degree to which templates can be customised can be tightly controlled, and order authorisation procedures can be built in, as can online proofing. This frees you, the printer, of several significant and time consuming stages of the process, as all of the customisation and administration is now customer driven and the first thing which arrives on your desk is a fully completed and authorised order, even accompanied by online payment.

And if you don’t yet have an online web to print facility, then it’s even easier to build in the capability to offer templates right from the start. So now is the time to talk to us.

Here at OPS, we are widely regarded as the UK’s leading developer of web to print solutions incorporating customised client storefronts with template capability. Many years of experience and many hundreds of highly satisfied clients pay testament to the effectiveness of our solutions, and the efficiency of our service.

We understand that web to print solutions can initially seem complicated, so we would be delighted to show you just how user friendly they really are. Please contact us today for a comprehensive demonstration of how this technology can work for you, generating more business with less administration, and at the same time enabling you to offer your clients a service which is far superior to that of your competitors.

Providing online templates makes life easy for your clients as well as for you. It really does make ordering print online as easy as buying a book.

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